> chat > 2001-11-10

Chat for 2001-11-10 22:32:17

(BobS laughs heartily)
(Someone throws a brick at BobS)
(BobS gives BobS a can of Diet Coke.)
(A strange smell wafts around the room)
(<s> reboots <o>'s computer remotely.)
BobS left chat session
moved to room Meeting Place
changed username to MacFaker
MacFaker: nobody home?
MacFaker: Guess not eh?
MacFaker: Will sit here for a while
MacFaker: gone
MacFaker left chat session
moved to room Meeting Place
changed username to <undefined>
moved to room Meeting Place
left chat session
moved to room Meeting Place
changed username to Rich Drushel
Rich Drushel requested to ban <undefined>
Rich Drushel requested to ban <undefined>
Rich Drushel requested to ban <undefined> > chat > 2001-11-10
Send comments to I am Dale Wick