> chat > Sat 2002-10-05

Chat for Sat 2002-10-05 14:58:08

rich-c: ha! bonjour, Daniel
rich-c: ca va bien?
Daniel Bienvenu: allo!
Daniel Bienvenu: I'm very busy right now...
Daniel Bienvenu moved to room Meeting Place
Daniel Bienvenu: Hello!
rich-c: hi, made it back i see
Daniel Bienvenu: Yeah! but I'm very busy right now... I'm learning JSP
rich-c: what is JSP?
Daniel Bienvenu: I think it's "Java Servlet Page"
rich-c: ok, right, I get the genereal idea
Daniel Bienvenu: it's like a javascript way to do dynamic web pages.
rich-c: planning to do some web page cretion?
rich-c: I discovered I can use the laptop in the living room
rich-c: that lets me chat and watch the football game as well
Daniel Bienvenu: It's a formation session... someone teach to us what is JSP, JavaBean, etc..
rich-c: right, it's an increasingly necessary skill these days
rich-c: not that website designers dont need help thesee days
rich-c: one wonders why they cant figure out what a reetail website is for
rich-c: test
Daniel Bienvenu: one two..
rich-c: ah, you are there
Daniel Bienvenu: I miss a few "chat sessions".
Daniel Bienvenu: I'm sorry
Daniel Bienvenu: I'm working on an exercice. We have to do a Bean to update a BD
rich-c: not that bad when I am watching the game
rich-c: are you also doing the exercise on the computer?
Daniel Bienvenu: yeah! and I can't adjust the "windows" to view everything on screen.
Daniel Bienvenu: So.. I'm not really here
rich-c: not only that, I have found the chat applet ddoesnt like multitasking
Daniel Bienvenu: Are you serious? In which way the chat applet doesn't like multitasking??
rich-c: it seems to crash either itself or Windows or the second program quite often
Daniel Bienvenu: I'm really sorry . I was unable to be online during chat session in the past few days.
rich-c: well, it is nice to be theere but there is life to be livd too
rich-c: in fact I think I will log off - I may want to multitask the TV
Daniel Bienvenu: ok! bye bye!
rich-c: see you Wed I hope - au revoir
Daniel Bienvenu: tell Dr. D. I did not receive his DOC about Coleco BIOS
Daniel Bienvenu left chat session
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changed username to <undefined> > chat > Sat 2002-10-05
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