> chat > Sat 2003-07-19

Chat for Sat 2003-07-19 15:02:42

rich-c: confirm
rich-c: refresh
rich-c: refresh
moved to room Meeting Place
changed username to George
rich-c: hello George
rich-c: missed you again on Wednesday
George: hi Rich
rich-c: you're late - I was about to give up
George: i'm having trouble
rich-c: computer, health, or both?
rich-c: I'm a lot more of an authority than I want to be on both ;-)
moved to room Meeting Place
changed username to George
rich-c: obviously some of teh problem was computer type
George: what on earth is going on today?
rich-c: nothing much - I do have a hacker trying to get in, but thaty's normal
George: i had to restart aol 8 times now this
rich-c: let Zone Alarm block him then report to Visual Zone for their database to track him down
rich-c: oh well that's likely just aol - you buy a junk ISP, you get junk service
George: if i use zone alarm it blocks here
rich-c: then you have it configured improperly - but it blocks any site that uses Javascript
rich-c: sorry - bet
rich-c: either that or you have Java block set in your security preferences
George: with aol there is no choice you do it their way or no internet
rich-c: they can't tell you what your security settings have to be - that's internal to IE
George: oh yes they can and do. they have also dictated to microsoft how they should make windows function with aol software
George: have heard about the settlement?
rich-c: well actually no they didn't - rather the reverse, in fact
George: aol won
rich-c: aol wanted to be on the Windows desktop by default - Microsoft told them what they'd have to do to get it
rich-c: there have been some court-ordered adjustments since, you're right on that
moved to room Meeting Place
changed username to james
james left chat session
moved to room Meeting Place
changed username to james
james left chat session
moved to room Meeting Place
changed username to Perry Patetic
Perry Patetic left chat session
moved to room Meeting Place
changed username to Dr.D.
moved to room Meeting Place
changed username to james&case > chat > Sat 2003-07-19
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