> chat > Mon 2008-02-25

Chat for Mon 2008-02-25 03:30:56

BrianW: Hello again. I have had no response to my requests for a home for my adam computers. Again if you know of someone with any interest please e-mail me at
BrianW: Thankyou : if all else fails I may just have to lay these babies at your doorstep in Niagra Falls
BrianW left chat session
moved to room Meeting Place
left chat session
moved to room Meeting Place
changed username to l3z
l3z left chat session
moved to room Meeting Place
changed username to BoBS
BoBS changed username to BobS
moved to room Meeting Place
changed username to Daniel Bienvenu > chat > Mon 2008-02-25
Send comments to the feedback page. I am Dale Wick